My spirit was in overdrive as each mysterious wonder revealed astonishing beauty. Seven days of discovery that has led to an unexpected, strong yearning to return. The landscape generally changes on a very slow scale, but with recent storms passing through, water has shown just how fast and sudden these changes can occur. Water is typically very scarce in the valley. To see and experience how water plays its role here was an incredible and joyous moment for me. Erosion created by flowing water is evident throughout the park, as seen in the massive and numerous alluvial fans that begin high in the bordering mountains, and fan out to reach the valley floor. As an artistic style photographer, my spirit was brought forward to a most prominent place. As with many others, I have been touched and changed deeply and permanently by the spirit of Death Valley. It is with deepest gratitude to have spent time there, and to have made new friendships with other first time visitors.